We wish you the best with your projects!

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Leveraging The Power Of Community

Join the Crowd Buildaz community.
It's only $1 per month!
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How Crowd Buildaz works.

  1. Join the community.
  2. When a member launches either a Kickstarter or Indiegogo project they email us and we send out an email to every member of the community asking them to donate at least one dollar to that campaign.

Why Join Crowd Buildaz

FACT: Most crowdfunding campaigns fail or succeed in the first 72 hours.

Prompt Promotion

We share your campaign link with the CB community within hours after you share your link with us.

We Support Every Campaign

No other service in the world backs your campaign, but they all want money up front. We support every campaign that we promote.

We Feel Your Pain

Before creating Crowd Buildaz, we too, felt the sting of having a campaign fail simply because we didn't have sufficient early support.

We Are Growing Daily

Imagine being part of a community of one million likeminded individuals. This is our goal, and your membership puts us one step closer to ensuring that every crowdfunding campaign finds success.

Only $1 per month! Join today!

What is the Biggest Crowdfunding Myth?

The biggest crowdfunding myth is that if a campaign fails, it means it was not a good idea.

In fact,  99% of crowdfunding projects fail because they do not have community support.

Four Steps To A Funded Project


Become a member


Actively promote our community


Actively promote your community


Send us your campaign link

Research our competitors

Our founder & CEO has launched several projects, so we know who you will get emails from after you launch.

Until we have 100,000 community members, we will provide this section advertising our competitors because you may have the resources to partner with them as well.

We advise you to do your due diligence as every service is not created equal.

Platforms We Support

Crowd Buildaz has a rigorous vetting process to protect our members and our brand.