Leveraging the power of community. Thu, 15 Dec 2022 22:52:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 32 32 How to Get Monetized on Youtube – Tips from a YouTube Partner Thu, 15 Dec 2022 22:47:08 +0000 By: Diego Maldonado

Are you a YouTube creator who is interested in becoming a YouTube Partner and monetizing your videos? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Being a YouTube Partner allows you to unlock the potential of your channel, enabling you to make money from your content and unlock exclusive tools and features. Here are some tips from an experienced YouTube Partner on how to get monetized on YouTube.

Have original, engaging content
Just like with traditional television programming, original, engaging content is king. The key difference in the world of internet video production is that the production company and creator are often one in the same. So if you want to get monetized on YouTube, you need your own channel! And this doesn’t have to be a sophisticated production studio – your home office, bedroom closet, dorm room, garage or basement will do just fine. As long as you’re creating quality content that people want to see you will eventually meet the required 4,000 hours of watch time and 1,000 subscribers needed for Partner eligibility. Consider the tone of your content though, since partnership is not automatic. YouTube will review your content and adherence to its policies and make a decision once you have met the minimum requirements within one year. If all goes well, and you make Partner, you’ll be earning revenue every time your videos go live!

Optimize your videos for SEO
Let’s just enumerate this section to make it as simple as possible:

  1. Rename your video file name before uploading to YouTube
  2. Spend some time on your video description and make sure each video includes one
  3. Although YouTube now says that tags are irrelevant, use them anyway
  4. Always make your own thumbnails when you are trying to grow your channel
  5. Make sure your video keywords are placed intelligibly in your title
  6. At the time this article was written YouTube only allowed three hashtags to be placed in video descriptions, but make sure you use powerful hashtags in every video
  7. Go ahead and make the first comment on each video. Doing this establishes a culture of commenting and engagement on your channel. Be sure to pin your comments so that every new visitor to your video will see them.

Build a strong social media presence
Maximize the power of other social media platforms, as followers and supporters on other platforms will likely become your first subscribers on your new YouTube channel. For example, if you already have an active Twitter following with 500+ followers and are actively tweeting about videos you like on YouTube, use those tweets to encourage others to subscribe to your new YouTube channel. Or mention that you’re now doing videos on a different platform in order to encourage those who follow you for what you do best (e.g., cooking) to subscribe so they can see how well you adapt your skills for video production.

Use annotations and cards
I could have placed this under the Optimize for SEO section but annotations and cards are so important they merit their own section in this post. When uploading videos to your YouTube channel, use annotations, cards, and links strategically. Make sure that your titles and descriptions utilize keywords correctly! Don’t worry, even if you’re not familiar with the terms annotations and cards as they apply to YouTube, it’s okay. YouTube is very friendly to new creators. You will be a pro in no time!

Use keywords in your tags
Whenever you place something online that you want to be found, be sure to think like the people you are trying to attract to your content. Remember, no one knows you when you first get started! For reference, a good example of using tags might be using phrases such as: “make money on youtube” or “youtube partner program” to attract new readers to this blog article. And if you’re reading this article, but are not already a part of the Crowd Buildaz community, these keywords are likely how you found this blog post.

Create transcripts of your videos
Note: This section is optional, but if you have the resources consider what follows.

Getting monetized on YouTube is a great way to earn money from your videos. The YouTube Partner Program allows content creators to make money from ads, sponsorships, and other deals that come with the territory. But before you can become a YouTube Partner, you must meet certain criteria. One of the unenforced requirements is that your videos must have transcripts.

Creating transcripts for your videos can help improve their visibility, as well as add an extra layer of accessibility for viewers. Transcripts also help YouTube algorithms better understand the context of your videos so that they can recommend them more accurately to viewers. Plus, transcripts give more people the chance to engage with your content.

If you want to get monetized on YouTube, here are some tips to help you create transcripts:

  1. Use a transcription software. There are many different transcription software options available online, such as Otter and Trint. These programs will make it easier to convert audio into text with minimal effort.
  2. Hire someone to transcribe. If you don’t have the time or resources to transcribe your own videos, you can hire a transcription service. This option may cost a bit more money, but it’ll save you time and energy.
  3. Utilize auto-captioning features. Many video editing platforms come with auto-captioning features that allow you to automatically generate captions for your videos. Although these features may not be perfect, they can still save you some time and hassle.

Creating transcripts for your videos is an essential step if you want to get monetized on YouTube. By using a transcription software, hiring a transcription service, or utilizing auto-captioning features, you’ll be one step closer to joining the YouTube Partner Program and earning money from your videos.

Offer something unique
The key to getting noticed as a new creator is to offer something unique to viewers. This can be anything from comedic skits to educational tutorials. Whatever it is, make sure that it stands out from other content already out there. You want to create something that will capture people’s attention and encourage them to watch your videos.
In addition to offering something unique, you will also want to create quality content. Make sure that your videos are well-lit, professionally edited, and organized in an engaging way. Quality content will ensure that viewers come back for more and help build a following for your channel.
Finally, consider investing in equipment and software that will help you create higher quality videos. While this isn’t necessary to get accepted into the Youtube Partner Program, it can help you stand out and make better videos.
Getting accepted into the Youtube Partner Program is not easy but with dedication and creativity, it’s definitely possible. Just remember to focus on creating something unique and high-quality so that you have the best chance of being accepted.

And in closing, consider joining the Crowd Buildaz community where likeminded individuals are organizing for the purpose of supporting the entrepreneurial efforts of each other.

Good luck, new creator!

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Top Tips For Organizing Your Workbag – So You’re Never Late To A Meeting Again! Thu, 15 Dec 2022 21:36:04 +0000 By: Sheki Penland

Are you constantly searching for your laptop, a pen, or some other important item in your workbag? Do you always seem to be late for meetings because you can’t find what you need? If so, you’re not alone! Many people struggle with keeping their workbag organized and finding the items they need quickly. The good news is that with a few tips and tricks, you can keep your workbag organized and never be late to a meeting again. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the top tips for organizing your workbag, so you’re always prepared for your day ahead.

The Bag

Organizing your workbag is essential for ensuring that you’re never late to a meeting or presentation again. Having all of your materials organized in one place will help you stay on top of things and get to where you need to be quickly and efficiently. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your workbag:

  1. Choose the right size. The right size bag should fit all of your items without being bulky or overwhelming. If you find yourself constantly packing and unpacking, it may be time to switch to a bigger bag.

2. Invest in good quality. When it comes to your workbag, it pays to invest in good quality materials. Quality materials will last longer, keep your belongings safe, and ensure that your bag looks professional.

3. Pack smartly. When packing your bag, take the time to think about which items you need on a daily basis. This will save you time when looking for specific items and allow you to grab them quickly and easily.

4. Label everything. Labeling each item in your bag will make it much easier to find things when you need them. You can use color-coded labels for specific items such as folders or notebooks, or simply write what the item is on the label itself. 

5. Make sure there’s room for growth. As your responsibilities increase, it’s important that your bag is able to grow with you. Make sure to leave enough space for any new items that may be added over time. By following these tips, you can keep your workbag organized and ensure that you’re never late to an important meeting or presentation again!

The Compartments

It isn’t rocket science to organize your workbag but it is important to have a system so that you always know where your essentials are and don’t waste time rummaging through pockets when you’re in a rush. Here are our top tips for organizing your workbag into neat compartments:

  1. Dedicate a pocket for your phone and wallet. Keep these two items together so you never misplace them. Place them in an accessible pocket at the top of your bag or on the side so that you can quickly get to them. 

2. Create a work section. Invest in separate pouches for cables, chargers, headphones, notebooks, and other work items that you need to access frequently. Store these items in one pouch, so they’re easy to find and don’t get lost in the depths of your bag. 

3. Have a designated laptop section. Keep your laptop secure and easy to access by dedicating a special area just for it. A padded laptop sleeve will keep it safe from bumps and scratches and offer some protection in case of spills. 

4. Use an outer pocket for quick-grab items like keys and loose change. This makes it easy to grab what you need without having to dig around. 

5. Take advantage of side pockets. These are great for holding water bottles, umbrellas, snacks, or other small items that don’t necessarily fit into any other compartment. 

By taking a few minutes to organize your workbag, you can save yourself precious time and stress when you’re in a hurry!

The Essentials

Don’t let it become overwhelming! There are just a few essential items you should always keep in your bag that will help you stay organized and prepared.

First, make sure to have a notebook or planner on hand. Writing down your to-do list can help keep you focused and organized. You can also use your notebook for jotting down ideas and taking notes. You’ll also want to carry a laptop or tablet with you. This will enable you to get work done on the go and ensure that you don’t miss any important deadlines. Finally, make sure to have a few basic office supplies handy such as pens, paperclips, post-it notes and sticky notes. These will come in handy when you need to take quick notes or mark important items in your planner. By keeping these essential items in your workbag, you’ll be able to stay organized and never miss a deadline again!

The Extras

No matter how much you plan ahead, there are always those moments when you need to have an extra something on hand. Whether it’s a pen, an umbrella, or a protein bar, having the right items in your workbag can help you tackle any unexpected situation. Here are some extra items that can come in handy and make sure your workbag is ready for anything:

  1. Pens & Notepads: Keep a few pens and a small notepad in your bag for taking notes during meetings or jotting down ideas when inspiration strikes.

2. Business Cards: You never know when you’ll meet someone who may be interested in working with you, so keep a few of your business cards handy.

3. USB Drive: For storing important documents, presentations, or any other digital files that you may need to access while on the go.

4. Headphones: They can help block out distractions and help you focus on the task at hand, whether it’s writing a report or just listening to music to relax.

5. Healthy Snacks: Have healthy snacks on hand like protein bars, nuts, and dried fruits to stay energized throughout the day. 

6. Extra Outfits: Having an extra set of clothes can be a life saver in case of a last-minute meeting or presentation.

7. Emergency Kit: Put together an emergency kit that includes items like band-aids, a small first aid kit, antiseptic wipes, tissues, etc. This will come in handy if you ever find yourself in a pinch! 

Having the right items in your workbag can make a world of difference and save you time and energy. Hopefully, this list has given you some ideas on what extra items to keep in your bag so you’re never without the essentials!

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From Soccer Mom to Mogul: 5 Home Based Business Ideas for Stay at Home Moms Thu, 15 Dec 2022 14:16:51 +0000 By: Sheki Penland

Are you a stay at home mom looking to make a little extra income while still having time to care for your family? You’re in luck! Home based businesses are becoming increasingly popular, and they’re a great way to balance work and family life. From soccer mom to mogul – it can be done! In this blog post, we’ll cover five great home based business ideas that are perfect for stay at home moms. So if you’re looking to start a home business, read on for five great ideas.

1) Personal Shopper/Stylist

As a stay at home mom, you already have a great sense of style and fashion. Why not put your skills to work and become a personal shopper or stylist? Personal shoppers and stylists help their clients pick out the perfect outfits for special occasions or even just a night out. You can make your own hours, set your own rates, and even take on clients from all over the world. With the right tools and resources, you can even create an online business where clients can order looks from your curated collection. It’s an incredibly rewarding profession, and one that is in high demand. 

If you’re thinking about becoming a personal shopper/stylist, start by making sure you understand the basics of fashion. Read up on the latest trends, explore different color combinations, and familiarize yourself with different fabrics and materials. Invest in styling tools such as mannequins, clothing racks, hangers, and styling software to help you organize your client’s looks. Finally, start networking and reaching out to potential clients to get the word out about your services. 

Being a personal shopper/stylist is a great way to make money while taking care of your family. You can tailor it to fit your lifestyle and still make a good living while doing something you love. Plus, you get to use your keen eye for fashion to make sure everyone looks their best!

2) Interior Decorator

If you’re a stay at home mom looking to start your own business, interior decorating may be the perfect fit for you. Interior decorating can be a great way to make use of your creative talents and start a business that can bring in a steady stream of income.

Not only does interior decorating require creativity, but it also requires an eye for detail. You will need to have an understanding of color schemes, lighting, and furniture placement. You must also have knowledge of the latest trends and how to incorporate them into the décor of a home or office.

In order to start your interior decorating business, you’ll need to create a portfolio showcasing your work. You’ll also need to develop a list of services and pricing that you can offer to clients. Once you have those two things in place, it’s time to start marketing your business.

Create a website, join social media groups and local networking groups, attend trade shows and conventions, and connect with other interior decorators in your area. Word of mouth is also an important factor when it comes to getting new clients. Start by offering discounted rates to friends and family members who are in need of interior decorating services.

Interior decorating can be a very rewarding business, but it’s important to understand that it takes time to build up a client base. Remember, stay positive, results do not always come immediately in business. With the right combination of creativity, hard work, and dedication, you can turn your interior decorating business into a success.

3) Event Planner

Being an event planner is a great way for stay at home moms to turn their organizational and planning skills into a profitable business. It requires minimal overhead cost and the potential to generate a steady income. Here are some tips on how to become a successful event planner:

1. Make sure you have the right skills.

Event planning involves being organized, creative, and good at problem solving. If you don’t have these qualities naturally, there are many online courses and workshops that can help you hone your skills.

2. Gather contacts. To be successful in event planning, you need to build relationships with vendors and other industry professionals. Having reliable contacts will make your job much easier.

3. Start small. When starting out, it’s best to focus on smaller events like family reunions or birthday parties. This will allow you to gain experience and establish yourself as an event planner without risking too much financially.

4. Market yourself. Once you’ve built up your portfolio, it’s important to start getting the word out about your services. Social media is a great way to reach potential clients, so make sure you set up a professional profile and start connecting with people.

5. Stay organized. Being organized is key to any successful business, especially when it comes to event planning. Utilize software like Trello or Asana to create timelines and keep track of tasks.

With the right attitude and dedication, becoming an event planner can be an extremely rewarding job for stay at home moms. So if you’re looking for a flexible job that pays well, consider turning your planning skills into a business!

4) Recipe Developer/Food Blogger

For my fourth installment, permit me to introduce the idea of starting a food blog or becoming a recipe developer. The food blogging industry is booming, with millions of people around the world taking advantage of the wealth of information and recipes available on the internet. Not only can you share your favorite recipes, but you can also make money by creating sponsored content and advertising on your site.

Creating recipes isn’t just about having a great-tasting dish. It’s also about making sure it looks visually appealing. To help create attractive recipes, consider investing in a high-quality digital camera, as well as photo editing software. You should also pay attention to food styling techniques, such as adding colorful garnishes, to make your dishes stand out.

Finally, you’ll need to market your recipes. Social media is one of the best ways to get your recipes seen, as it allows you to easily reach potential customers. Post regularly on Instagram, Pinterest and other platforms, and don’t forget to tag relevant hashtags to help people find your recipes. 

If you’re looking for an interesting and rewarding way to make money from home, consider becoming a recipe developer or food blogger. With some dedication and a bit of creativity, you can create amazing recipes and market them to a wide audience.

5) Virtual Assistant

In closing, those of you with the right set of skills might consider becoming a virtual assistant. Virtual assistants offer a wide range of services, including administrative tasks, scheduling, research, project management, and customer support.

For stay at home moms, the flexibility that comes with being a virtual assistant is key. You have the ability to create your own schedule, work as much or as little as you want, and pick and choose the types of projects you take on. Plus, you can do it all from the comfort of your own home!

If becoming a virtual assistant appeals to you, the first thing you need to do is to hone your skills. You’ll need to be proficient in a variety of software programs, such as Microsoft Office, Google Suite, and Adobe Creative Cloud. You should also brush up on your communication and problem-solving skills. 

You’ll also need to find clients. This can be done through job boards like Upwork, Craigslist, and Freelancer, or by reaching out to contacts directly. Once you’ve landed a few gigs, be sure to go above and beyond to ensure client satisfaction. 

There are plenty of opportunities out there for stay at home moms who want to become virtual assistants. With the right skills and attitude, you could be on your way to becoming a successful home based entrepreneur!

Why You Should Use a Crowdfunding Platform Like Kickstarter to Find Investors for Your Product-based Business Sun, 11 Dec 2022 10:31:45 +0000
startup founder meeting with investor

Why You Should Use a Crowdfunding Platform Like Kickstarter to Find Investors for Your Product-based Business

Kickstarter is an online platform that helps entrepreneurs find investors for their new business. Kickstarters and its primary competitor, Indiegogo, have revolutionized the concepts of crowdfunding and crowdsourcing. If you’re looking for investors for your new business, crowdfunding is a great place to start. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why you should use crowdfunding platforms to find investors for your new business. We’ll also provide tips on how to get the most out of platforms like Kickstarter when you’re looking for investors for your new business.

Crowdfunding is a powerful marketing tool
Crowdfunding has become the angel investor to ambitious creators who may not otherwise have the professional track record astute investors are looking for. And thousands of Kickstarter and Indiegogo project owners couldn’t be happier. Crowdfunding platforms allow entrepreneurs to tap into a vast pool of backers with diverse interests and backgrounds in exchange for perks or rewards. There is an endless array of crowdfunding sites, such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and GoFundMe, where you can create a campaign in just a few minutes or even pre-sell your product idea before it’s created. The beauty of these platforms is that they provide an easy way to test demand without incurring any costs up front while providing invaluable feedback from potential customers and backers. Additionally, each site offers different reward levels (for example: you could offer more products at lower prices on Kickstarter). In this way it allows creatives to make money off their product ideas even before they get manufactured because all backers get first dibs on purchasing products as well as other benefits such as access to special events related to the project, etc.

You can use Crowdfunding to validate your business idea
Even more important than raising a specific amount of money, crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter offer validation for your idea. If you can’t get support on the first go around, it could be an indication that you need to rethink your product or how it is presented to consumers. The best part about launching a campaign is that you will have access to backers who may not be able to give as much money but still want the opportunity to back something they are passionate about.

Crowdfunding can help you raise capital
If you are a new product startup and you are looking for ways to raise capital, crowdfunding is an increasingly popular option. Crowdfunding allows entrepreneurs to reach potential investors by appealing to the masses. In addition to raising funds, crowdfunding also helps create buzz around a product and encourages public feedback, which can help refine a product before it hits the market.
However, it can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to crowdfunding. Fortunately, there are several major platforms that can help you get your product idea off the ground. For example, Kickstarter and Indiegogo are two of the most well-known crowdfunding sites. Both sites allow you to create a campaign page that details your product and sets a fundraising goal. If you’re successful, you will be able to fund your new business and get your product into stores.
In addition to Kickstarter and Indiegogo, you can also look into other major retailers like Amazon, Walmart, and Target. These companies have their own crowdfunding initiatives or investment programs that can help you get your product into their stores. While these may require more legwork on your end, it can be worth the effort in the long run if you are able to get your product into a major retail chain.
Lastly, you should also consider reaching out directly to investors who might be interested in funding your new business. This can be done through networking events, online forums, or even through crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. By building relationships with potential investors, you may be able to secure additional funding for your business.
Crowdfunding is a great way for entrepreneurs to raise capital for their new product ideas. Whether you choose to use Kickstarter or Indiegogo or try to get your product into stores like Walmart or Target, there are many options available that can help you fund your business and get your product out into the world. By doing your research and networking with potential investors, you may be able to find success with crowdfunding and bring your new business to life.

You can build a community of supporters on crowdfunding platforms
Building an engaged community might be the most important part launching a new idea, and crowdfunding platforms allow you to build a community. On Kickstarter and Indiegogo, anyone can invest in your idea. And on other sites like Crowdrise or Giveforward you can even get funding from family members and friends if they’re excited about your product! If you don’t want to spend any money upfront, but want to make your product available through retail stores or Amazon or Walmart, then crowdsourcing is definitely a viable option.

How did you get to this article?
You are likely considering getting your new idea into the hands of millions, and you need to know where to start. Some questions you may be Googling are;

  1. how to get my product into stores
  2. how to get my product into Walmart
  3. how to get my product into Target
  4. how to get my cosmetics brand into Ulta
  5. how to get my product on Amazon
  6. what is crowdsourcing
  7. what is crowdfunding
  8. how to crowdfund my product idea
  9. how to find investors for my new business

Crowdfunding is a proven alternative to finding angel investors for your new business. Moreover, success on platforms like Kickstarter may simplify the process of getting your product into stores like Walmart and Target, or on online retailers like Amazon. By leveraging crowdfunding platforms, you can access a larger pool of potential investors who are interested in helping you bring your product idea to life. Additionally, you can use these platforms to crowdfund your product idea, which can help you gain much-needed visibility and funding in order to make your product a reality. goes a step further by creating a community of likeminded individuals who are committed to help each other reach their funding goals on Kickstarter and Indiegogo, because the most difficult part of utilizing those great platforms is understanding how to build a community BEFORE you launch. Consider joining the community today, and best of luck in your new venture!

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