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From Soccer Mom to Mogul: 5 Home Based Business Ideas for Stay at Home Moms

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By: Sheki Penland

Are you a stay at home mom looking to make a little extra income while still having time to care for your family? You’re in luck! Home based businesses are becoming increasingly popular, and they’re a great way to balance work and family life. From soccer mom to mogul – it can be done! In this blog post, we’ll cover five great home based business ideas that are perfect for stay at home moms. So if you’re looking to start a home business, read on for five great ideas.

1) Personal Shopper/Stylist

As a stay at home mom, you already have a great sense of style and fashion. Why not put your skills to work and become a personal shopper or stylist? Personal shoppers and stylists help their clients pick out the perfect outfits for special occasions or even just a night out. You can make your own hours, set your own rates, and even take on clients from all over the world. With the right tools and resources, you can even create an online business where clients can order looks from your curated collection. It’s an incredibly rewarding profession, and one that is in high demand. 

If you’re thinking about becoming a personal shopper/stylist, start by making sure you understand the basics of fashion. Read up on the latest trends, explore different color combinations, and familiarize yourself with different fabrics and materials. Invest in styling tools such as mannequins, clothing racks, hangers, and styling software to help you organize your client’s looks. Finally, start networking and reaching out to potential clients to get the word out about your services. 

Being a personal shopper/stylist is a great way to make money while taking care of your family. You can tailor it to fit your lifestyle and still make a good living while doing something you love. Plus, you get to use your keen eye for fashion to make sure everyone looks their best!

2) Interior Decorator

If you’re a stay at home mom looking to start your own business, interior decorating may be the perfect fit for you. Interior decorating can be a great way to make use of your creative talents and start a business that can bring in a steady stream of income.

Not only does interior decorating require creativity, but it also requires an eye for detail. You will need to have an understanding of color schemes, lighting, and furniture placement. You must also have knowledge of the latest trends and how to incorporate them into the décor of a home or office.

In order to start your interior decorating business, you’ll need to create a portfolio showcasing your work. You’ll also need to develop a list of services and pricing that you can offer to clients. Once you have those two things in place, it’s time to start marketing your business.

Create a website, join social media groups and local networking groups, attend trade shows and conventions, and connect with other interior decorators in your area. Word of mouth is also an important factor when it comes to getting new clients. Start by offering discounted rates to friends and family members who are in need of interior decorating services.

Interior decorating can be a very rewarding business, but it’s important to understand that it takes time to build up a client base. Remember, stay positive, results do not always come immediately in business. With the right combination of creativity, hard work, and dedication, you can turn your interior decorating business into a success.

3) Event Planner

Being an event planner is a great way for stay at home moms to turn their organizational and planning skills into a profitable business. It requires minimal overhead cost and the potential to generate a steady income. Here are some tips on how to become a successful event planner:

1. Make sure you have the right skills.

Event planning involves being organized, creative, and good at problem solving. If you don’t have these qualities naturally, there are many online courses and workshops that can help you hone your skills.

2. Gather contacts. To be successful in event planning, you need to build relationships with vendors and other industry professionals. Having reliable contacts will make your job much easier.

3. Start small. When starting out, it’s best to focus on smaller events like family reunions or birthday parties. This will allow you to gain experience and establish yourself as an event planner without risking too much financially.

4. Market yourself. Once you’ve built up your portfolio, it’s important to start getting the word out about your services. Social media is a great way to reach potential clients, so make sure you set up a professional profile and start connecting with people.

5. Stay organized. Being organized is key to any successful business, especially when it comes to event planning. Utilize software like Trello or Asana to create timelines and keep track of tasks.

With the right attitude and dedication, becoming an event planner can be an extremely rewarding job for stay at home moms. So if you’re looking for a flexible job that pays well, consider turning your planning skills into a business!

4) Recipe Developer/Food Blogger

For my fourth installment, permit me to introduce the idea of starting a food blog or becoming a recipe developer. The food blogging industry is booming, with millions of people around the world taking advantage of the wealth of information and recipes available on the internet. Not only can you share your favorite recipes, but you can also make money by creating sponsored content and advertising on your site.

Creating recipes isn’t just about having a great-tasting dish. It’s also about making sure it looks visually appealing. To help create attractive recipes, consider investing in a high-quality digital camera, as well as photo editing software. You should also pay attention to food styling techniques, such as adding colorful garnishes, to make your dishes stand out.

Finally, you’ll need to market your recipes. Social media is one of the best ways to get your recipes seen, as it allows you to easily reach potential customers. Post regularly on Instagram, Pinterest and other platforms, and don’t forget to tag relevant hashtags to help people find your recipes. 

If you’re looking for an interesting and rewarding way to make money from home, consider becoming a recipe developer or food blogger. With some dedication and a bit of creativity, you can create amazing recipes and market them to a wide audience.

5) Virtual Assistant

In closing, those of you with the right set of skills might consider becoming a virtual assistant. Virtual assistants offer a wide range of services, including administrative tasks, scheduling, research, project management, and customer support.

For stay at home moms, the flexibility that comes with being a virtual assistant is key. You have the ability to create your own schedule, work as much or as little as you want, and pick and choose the types of projects you take on. Plus, you can do it all from the comfort of your own home!

If becoming a virtual assistant appeals to you, the first thing you need to do is to hone your skills. You’ll need to be proficient in a variety of software programs, such as Microsoft Office, Google Suite, and Adobe Creative Cloud. You should also brush up on your communication and problem-solving skills. 

You’ll also need to find clients. This can be done through job boards like Upwork, Craigslist, and Freelancer, or by reaching out to contacts directly. Once you’ve landed a few gigs, be sure to go above and beyond to ensure client satisfaction. 

There are plenty of opportunities out there for stay at home moms who want to become virtual assistants. With the right skills and attitude, you could be on your way to becoming a successful home based entrepreneur!

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