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How to Get Monetized on Youtube – Tips from a YouTube Partner

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By: Diego Maldonado

Are you a YouTube creator who is interested in becoming a YouTube Partner and monetizing your videos? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Being a YouTube Partner allows you to unlock the potential of your channel, enabling you to make money from your content and unlock exclusive tools and features. Here are some tips from an experienced YouTube Partner on how to get monetized on YouTube.

Have original, engaging content
Just like with traditional television programming, original, engaging content is king. The key difference in the world of internet video production is that the production company and creator are often one in the same. So if you want to get monetized on YouTube, you need your own channel! And this doesn’t have to be a sophisticated production studio – your home office, bedroom closet, dorm room, garage or basement will do just fine. As long as you’re creating quality content that people want to see you will eventually meet the required 4,000 hours of watch time and 1,000 subscribers needed for Partner eligibility. Consider the tone of your content though, since partnership is not automatic. YouTube will review your content and adherence to its policies and make a decision once you have met the minimum requirements within one year. If all goes well, and you make Partner, you’ll be earning revenue every time your videos go live!

Optimize your videos for SEO
Let’s just enumerate this section to make it as simple as possible:

  1. Rename your video file name before uploading to YouTube
  2. Spend some time on your video description and make sure each video includes one
  3. Although YouTube now says that tags are irrelevant, use them anyway
  4. Always make your own thumbnails when you are trying to grow your channel
  5. Make sure your video keywords are placed intelligibly in your title
  6. At the time this article was written YouTube only allowed three hashtags to be placed in video descriptions, but make sure you use powerful hashtags in every video
  7. Go ahead and make the first comment on each video. Doing this establishes a culture of commenting and engagement on your channel. Be sure to pin your comments so that every new visitor to your video will see them.

Build a strong social media presence
Maximize the power of other social media platforms, as followers and supporters on other platforms will likely become your first subscribers on your new YouTube channel. For example, if you already have an active Twitter following with 500+ followers and are actively tweeting about videos you like on YouTube, use those tweets to encourage others to subscribe to your new YouTube channel. Or mention that you’re now doing videos on a different platform in order to encourage those who follow you for what you do best (e.g., cooking) to subscribe so they can see how well you adapt your skills for video production.

Use annotations and cards
I could have placed this under the Optimize for SEO section but annotations and cards are so important they merit their own section in this post. When uploading videos to your YouTube channel, use annotations, cards, and links strategically. Make sure that your titles and descriptions utilize keywords correctly! Don’t worry, even if you’re not familiar with the terms annotations and cards as they apply to YouTube, it’s okay. YouTube is very friendly to new creators. You will be a pro in no time!

Use keywords in your tags
Whenever you place something online that you want to be found, be sure to think like the people you are trying to attract to your content. Remember, no one knows you when you first get started! For reference, a good example of using tags might be using phrases such as: “make money on youtube” or “youtube partner program” to attract new readers to this blog article. And if you’re reading this article, but are not already a part of the Crowd Buildaz community, these keywords are likely how you found this blog post.

Create transcripts of your videos
Note: This section is optional, but if you have the resources consider what follows.

Getting monetized on YouTube is a great way to earn money from your videos. The YouTube Partner Program allows content creators to make money from ads, sponsorships, and other deals that come with the territory. But before you can become a YouTube Partner, you must meet certain criteria. One of the unenforced requirements is that your videos must have transcripts.

Creating transcripts for your videos can help improve their visibility, as well as add an extra layer of accessibility for viewers. Transcripts also help YouTube algorithms better understand the context of your videos so that they can recommend them more accurately to viewers. Plus, transcripts give more people the chance to engage with your content.

If you want to get monetized on YouTube, here are some tips to help you create transcripts:

  1. Use a transcription software. There are many different transcription software options available online, such as Otter and Trint. These programs will make it easier to convert audio into text with minimal effort.
  2. Hire someone to transcribe. If you don’t have the time or resources to transcribe your own videos, you can hire a transcription service. This option may cost a bit more money, but it’ll save you time and energy.
  3. Utilize auto-captioning features. Many video editing platforms come with auto-captioning features that allow you to automatically generate captions for your videos. Although these features may not be perfect, they can still save you some time and hassle.

Creating transcripts for your videos is an essential step if you want to get monetized on YouTube. By using a transcription software, hiring a transcription service, or utilizing auto-captioning features, you’ll be one step closer to joining the YouTube Partner Program and earning money from your videos.

Offer something unique
The key to getting noticed as a new creator is to offer something unique to viewers. This can be anything from comedic skits to educational tutorials. Whatever it is, make sure that it stands out from other content already out there. You want to create something that will capture people’s attention and encourage them to watch your videos.
In addition to offering something unique, you will also want to create quality content. Make sure that your videos are well-lit, professionally edited, and organized in an engaging way. Quality content will ensure that viewers come back for more and help build a following for your channel.
Finally, consider investing in equipment and software that will help you create higher quality videos. While this isn’t necessary to get accepted into the Youtube Partner Program, it can help you stand out and make better videos.
Getting accepted into the Youtube Partner Program is not easy but with dedication and creativity, it’s definitely possible. Just remember to focus on creating something unique and high-quality so that you have the best chance of being accepted.

And in closing, consider joining the Crowd Buildaz community where likeminded individuals are organizing for the purpose of supporting the entrepreneurial efforts of each other.

Good luck, new creator!

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