We wish you the best with your projects!

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After you launch, send us the link to your Kickstarter® or Indiegogo® project. Within hours, we will notify the community of your launch. 

As a community, we have a culture. We encourage everyone who receives a launch email to jumpstart the crowdfunding platform algorithm by pledging (at least) one dollar immediately.

We, too, have overhead, operating expenses and salaries to cover. We believe that a recurring charge and the accompanying notifications, will help members to always be thinking about the wonderful things we are doing for creators here at Crowd Buildaz.

Bringing a product to market is hard work. We believe that your chances of success increase as your community expands. Even when we have three million members, we still do not provide the services some of our competitors provide. For this reason, we are a resource as well. 

Keep in mind that our competitors do have considerable fees for their services, but some of those services will be needed when your project is successful. We are here to help you meet your funding goal, and the real fun starts after that!

Once we receive your project link, our art department and newsletter editor will create a marketing email using the assets you have provided to Kickstarter or Indiegogo. To protect the community, we will not disseminate alternative copy or images.

Although Gofundme is a legitimate platform, it is susceptible to scammers. To keep our subscription rate affordable, we have opted not to deal with any platform that would stress our resources or put our community at risk.

No reputable company will make guarantees pertaining to the success of your project or how much money you will ultimately raise. Many variables dictate the success of crowdfunding projects.

We do, however, believe in the power of community, and we know that the larger the community the more likely submitted projects will reach their funding goals. It is our job to advertise our growing community and to solicit investors to help us in that endeavor. We hope that you embrace Crowd Buildaz and truly understand what we can accomplish as a community.

Absolutely not! With that said, we want members to consider that for only $1 a month they secure their place in the community and they continue to learn about amazing crowdfunding projects that may interest them.